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About Us

Principal's Message
At St Thomas Aquinas, our students are encouraged to think, make choices and take responsibility for their learning and behaviour in a supportive, nurturing environment.

Learn more about our school

What We Offer at
St Thomas Aquinas
School Vision and Mission
Our Story
Student Leadership
Our Catholic Identity and Parish
Our school's Catholic identity reflects the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We live by the central values of faith, hope and love, especially aware of those in need.
Caring for the Environment
At St Thomas Aquinas, we take an active role in being stewards of the environment. Students participate in a range of initiatives that empower them to care for creation.

Our Staff

Meet our wonderful, dedicated team of teachers and support staff at St Thomas Aquinas.

Principal: Mr Anthony McElhone
Assistant Principal: Mrs Jo Robinson
Religious Education Coordinator: Mrs Renee McFayden
Senior School Support Officer: Ms Shauna Monkerud
Middle Leaders:
Mrs Virginia Preddey
Mrs Rebecca Ryan
Mrs Erin Cleary
Classroom Teachers:
Kindergarten: Mrs Erin Cleary
Year 1Ms Kirsten Young
Year 2: Mrs Vicki Johnson
Year 3 Blue: Mrs Annette Syrros
Year 3 Gold:
Mrs Sonia Weekes
Year 4 Blue: Mrs Jenn Worner
Year 4 Gold:
Mrs Vicki Menzies
Year 5 Blue:
Mrs Dona Connell
Year 5 Gold:
Mrs Rebecca Ryan
Year 6 Blue: Mr Mark Blake
Year 6 Gold: Mrs Renee McFayden
Teacher Librarian & ICT Coordinator: Mrs Virginia Preddey
Music Teacher: Mrs Keva Prentice
Instructional Coach: Mrs Anmarie Moroney

Learning Support:
Ms Michele Crittenden
Mrs Chris Gough

Mrs Lynn Shepherd
School Support Officers:
Mrs Kim Hagan
Mrs Claire Merchant
Mrs Carola Murnane

Mrs Sharon Roberts
Mrs Maree Whitton

To apply for any staff positions being advertised at St Thomas Aquinas, visit the CEDoW Positions Vacant page.